Everyone wants to look beautiful, fresh and glowing skin plays a very vital role in making you look beautiful. Therefore it is important to keep a regular skincare routine. You can opt for cosmetics which could be expensive or you can simply go into your kitchen. Skincare home remedies have slow effects as compared to cosmetics but they work wonders. So Be Patient and here are few home remedies for glowing skin right from your kitchen.
Orange Peels: Now is the season for Oranges and we all love them, don’t throw away those peals. Dry them in sunlight or you can even dry them indoors. Once dry grind them to powder and store in a jar. To make a face mask, take 1 to 2 tablespoon of orange peel powder add the juice of half lemon, a pinch of turmeric powder and enough milk to make a creamy paste. Apply on your face and neck and keep it till it dries or at least 30 mins and wash it off with water. Do it daily and you will get fresh glowing and spotless skin.
Read More Skin Care with Milk

Almond: Cannot underestimate the effect almonds have on the skin. Best for all skin type especially dry. To keep your skin fresh and to give a boost to your complexion this is what you need to do. Make a paste of almonds by grinding them with water (best if you use pestle and mortar). Apply this paste on your face like any other mask wash if off when dry. Don’t use this mask if you have acne, or if your skin is too oily. Can add little honey for extra glow.

Apricot: Mash the fruit (without the seed) add lukewarm olive oil and keep mashing till you get the right consistency as that of cream. Dry apricot can be used to, all you have to do it soak the fruit for a few hours, it will help you remove the seed easily. The rest of the procedure is the same. This mask is for dry skin. Use it only twice a month.

Cucumber: Good for all skin types, it cleans the skin and the pores as well. Massage your skin with cucumber pieces or the cucumber juice for 15 minutes and wash it off with water.

Carrot: Take half a cup of carrot juice and mix in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on the face let it dry, apply the mixture again keep repeating for 30 minutes then wash it off with water. It will make your skin glow and also tighten it up.

Honey: It cleans the skin also kills the germs. It helps remove spots and wrinkles, increases blood circulation and is effective in many skin diseases. Don’t use it more than 4 times per week. Simply apply lukewarm honey on your face gently with your fingers and relax and do not move your facial muscles. Wash it off after 15 to 30 minutes. You can add little olive oil if you don’t like the stickiness of honey. Equally good for all skin types.
Milk: Milk can be used as a mask as well. It will keep your skin soft and fresh. Apply lukewarm milk on the skin with cotton and it dry, when dry apply again, keep repeating for 20 minutes.
Just remember to be patient skincare home remedies may take a while to show results but they surely make a lot of difference.
Want to read more here’s the Basic Beauty Tips for All Skin Types and Men and Women
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