Regal Automobile Industries Limited has notified of a reduction in the Prince DFSK Glory 580 and Glory 580 Pro Price in Pakistan after the federal government announced the new Auto Policy (2021-26) which provides several tax cuts for Completely Knocked Down (CKD) vehicles being assembled in the country.

The company has announced a price reduction up to Rs. 89,000 for Glory 580 and Glory 580 Pro in view of the Annual Budget 2021-2022, said the circular issued by the company regarding the price revision.
Latest Glory 580 and Glory 580 Pro Price in Pakistan
Model | Old Price (PKR) | New Price (PKR) | Difference (PKR) |
Glory 580 Pro | Rs. 4,699,000 | Rs. 4,610,000 | Rs. 89,000 |
Glory 580 T | Rs. 4,299,000 | Rs. 4,229,000 | Rs. 70,000 |
Glory 580 1800cc | Rs. 4,449,000 | Rs. 4,379,000 | Rs. 70,000 |
It bears mentioning that the company has discontinued the manual variant of Glory 580 1.5 Turbo. This is a copy of the circular by Regal Automobile Industries Limited:

It is pertinent to mention that other car manufacturers have also reduced prices for their vehicles following the new Auto Policy 2021-26, including Kia Lucky Motors, Toyota IMC, Pak Suzuki and MG Pakistan.
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