The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has placed a limit on the foreign currency cash-carrying limits for travel purposes on both, individual visit and annual basis.

As per the revised limits individuals with age 18 years and above (adults) can now take out of Pakistan foreign currency (FCY) equivalent to USD5,000 per visit, while those below the age of 18 years (minors) can carry out FCY equivalent to USD2,500 per visit.
Furthermore, the annual ceiling to take out FCY for adults and minors shall be USD30,000 and USD15,000, respectively.
However, the limit will remain unchanged for taking out foreign currencies by persons travelling to Afghanistan.
It is pertinent to mention that per visit limits will be applicable immediately, while the annual limits will be applicable from January 1, 2023.
Moreover, any person taking foreign currency out of Pakistan shall make a declaration to the Customs Authorities at the time of leaving the country.
Read more: Dollar Rate in Pakistan (Daily Updates).