Lahore: The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) Chairman Dr.Umar Saif has launched eLearn App, An Online Educational application for learning (eLearnPunjab)

The e-Learn app is the official repository of digitized textbooks of Punjab Education Board (PEB) and contains thousands of video lectures, animations, illustration, simulations, and Interactive assessments.
e-Learn app is available for Android Power smartphone and Tablets, However, Dr.Umar Saif assured that soon PITB will launch iOS version of this app as well.
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According to Dr.Umar Said the Digitized textbooks from Grade 6 to 12 which have augmented with 13,047 video lectures, 592 simulations, over 2100 audio lectures, and 1,830 animations.
This app is free to download anywhere in the world and very optimized occupies roughly 2mb internal data storage as it connects to the data server on demand base retrieving system.
“Students can now teach themselves age-appropriate content at home with the help of simple and cheap android phone/tablet,” said Dr. Umar Saif.
This app will be introduced in Government schools and colleges across Punjab and teachers will be trained to teach using this app.
You can download eLearnPunjab
The features of the App are:
• Science and Maths Grade 6-12
• 9-10th Practical books
• Audiobooks
• Quizzes
• Animated Videos & Video lectures
• Simulations
The service is also available on Web app and Website to cater the need of public at large. The app covers all the learning concepts for (6-12th Grade) Science and Maths, by giving access to conceptual learning, eLearn.Punjab has made learning Fun.
One of the unique features is Audiobooks, listening to audiobooks while doing chores or while on the go is a great way to make use of your time.
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