The former Guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Sherman, has died at the age of 64 according to a statement by the band of the official social media handles.

Jack Sherman joined the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers in December of 1983 and was part of the bands first album as well as their first USA tour.
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The Red Hot Chili Peppers informed fans about the passing of Sherman’s passing early Saturday on social media where they wrote:
We of the RHCP family would like to wish Jack Sherman smooth sailing into the worlds beyond, for he has passed. Jack played on our debut album as well as our first tour of the USA. He was a unique dude and we thank him for all times good, bad and in between. Peace on the boogie platform.
The cause behind the death of Jack Sherman is still unknown.
Sherman helped co-write the band’s second album “Freaky Styley” which was released in 1985 and worked on other projects as well like “The Abbey Road EP” and “Mother’s Milk”.
However, Jack Sherman was not included when the Red Hot Chili Peppers was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. Sherman at the time told Billboard that it was painful to be left out.
The band also posted on Twitter saying how much they miss him and how they will dance and sing together again soon.
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