Simple and purposeful movements are very essential for mental and physical growth, healthy life, and living to the full. The simple movements are often ignored by people as they may seem meaningless. Only with regular practice of these movements can show major changes in mental and physical health. These movements not only help in burning calories but also improve the mental health of a person by helping the flow of body fluids.
Brain Body Breath Balance
About a week ago, a Gentleman called enquiring about our Brain-Body Breath Balance (BBBB) program. The Gentleman was very articulate, his voice behind the questions was genuine and his inquiry impacted us at BBBB practice; I had to explain quite sadly, that we are only accommodating Ladies and Children for the moment due to our social environmental constraints; even though our program is perfectly suitable for Gents! So, it occurred to me to write an article that could inspire the male folk of our community, who are just as needful of our BBBB practice.
The point is that we take responsibility for our learning, and we share our knowledge, especially with our family members. Our family is a gift to us, if we can overlook any weaknesses and handicaps; we can build each other’s confidence to enhance skills to the point we accomplish tasks and achievements. The most precious male in my life is my son. Every son is someday someone’s brother, someone’s husband, someone’s father, someone’s grandfather, and someone’s friend. Just as every daughter is someday someone’s sister, someone’s wife, someone’s mother, someone’s grandmother, and someone’s friend.
Learn to juggle.
Why juggle?
Because juggling burns calories; it’s as good for you as walking. The arm movements tone the upper body enabling individuals to control movement, memory, and emotions. Juggle away for a healthy life!
Do not let a little foam or rubber stress or juggling balls control you – control it! Take total control.
Juggling blends perfectly with our Brain-Body Breath Balance (BBBB) practice; initially, when we first introduced it to our class, even though everyone took to the practice with enjoyment and thrill, almost everyone was falling about all over the place after the balls. Those who followed the directions as they were instructed got into the flow; they moved onto two balls and are at the point of taking on three balls!! And those who hadn’t yet learned to listen were asked: ‘are you bigger than the ball or is the ball bigger than you, it looks as if the ball is controlling you instead of you being in control of it…’ That question had an impact! Almost everyone in the class is now juggling; they have taken control and are thoroughly enjoying juggling!
BBBB is about meaningful movements done carefully with purpose; whilst we supervise and guide at our premises, this article, I hope will enable young and old, our male folk to also ‘learn how to learn, to become the masters of their innate potential and capacities and take control of habit formation of creativity and innovation.
The lockdown of schools due to corona, creating learning difficulties in subject development and the discipline of waking in the mornings, washing, dressing, and going to academia institutes have, in some instances became seriously disrupted and for some households, even when the schools have reopened this is still not manageable!
When we reach a point where emotionally, psychologically we’re feeling like ‘where is the next breath going to come from, how to rise above weakening habits which seem to be taking over, where to turn when the person in the mirror is a stranger to our heart and mind…’ This is the time regardless of our age, place, or gender to bring into play, to recognize that we are our own ship, our own ocean, our own slave and master, we can take control with exercise, movements conducted regularly, we access the right and left sides of the brain thus communicating between both its hemispheres, through the corpus callosum, enabling us to use the whole brain.
BBBB exercises stimulate blood flow to the brain and activate the Reticular Activating System. Our body is divided left to right, top to bottom, front to back, the program that we have devised is simple, it trains adults and children to think more clearly, increasing attention span, alleviating tension and anxiety, improving visual and auditory skills, boosting focus and cognitive abilities essential to academic achievements, pivoting positivity, empowering happy healing in a relaxed learning environment, encouraging bilateral coordination skills with confidence building and neurogenesis by forming new neurons and brain cells.
The children and mothers attending the classes go home and replay and teach the movements to their male members of the family, so in the process getting further practice, because by teaching you to improve and deepen your own learning. This program was born with exactly that need for young and old to become their own teachers, to learn how to learn – learning never ceases – it’s an ongoing journey of life. Our BBBB program focuses on the positive qualities of the person, bringing together with the all-encompassing balance of the brain, body, and breath.

A Synopsis of Habit Stacking
Move for growth
The Heart and the Head
The One and the Answer
One: Go away. Leave me alone…
Answer: [With a laugh] A person is never alone…
One: I live alone, no one visits me, fortunately, I don’t even have to go out.
Answer: So, who are you telling to go away and to leave you alone?
One: My thoughts!
Answer: The ambiguity – no one can control your thoughts – yet, you are not being able to control your thoughts…
One: I’m trying
Answer: Your body is your own, taking stock of your thinking, exercising your body, breath, and mind so it’s in pristine mode to build inner core strength
One: I do see…
Answer: do you see – the vast space behind closed eyes, its unique to your consciousness, its where the doors of enlightenment preside, beyond shutting the world out and getting past darkness – is light…
One: I am in the process of seeking the essence of why there is a heart inside me, pumping blood within me…
Answer: Love, is the essence
One: People incarcerate me; cause me pain with accusations and blame, in return I give the purest thing I own: my love
Answer: Your dress of motherhood, fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood, and all the other God-given hoods – come with immense responsibility which when fulfilled adequately, make you into a warrior of peace, love, harmony, bliss, and gratitude…
One: These are words of wisdom in the ideal world, what of those who are out there to control with brutal force, who do not listen, and of those who are being brutally forced, and their voice is not heard…
Answer: until they know their own truth, they will not see yours’, pray for them, keep your heart lit up with the light of your love, light is refulgent, it is enlightenment when you and they see it, it is one same delight – of life!
When we put our hands together, where the little fingers meet, the palms close to your face; breathe and utter the feelings inside your heart. Feel the warmth of your breath on your palms. This warmth is from inside of you. No warmth can come forth without a light. This light is from inside of you. You have the right to your every breath, to draw upon your inner strength. May this moment henceforth bring you closer to the friend standing before you in the mirror! May calm composure engulf your every day and date that life brings your way…
READ MORE: Global Fitness Group: ladies & children Yoga classes for Fit body and mind
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