Carbonated soft drinks like Pepsi and Coca cola etc. are almost a necessity of life now and do feel like a treat to taste buds. However, before you pour next glass of these thirst-quenchers, let’s have a look at the destruction these drinks cause to your health and internal body.

Disadvantages of Soft Drinks
What is a soft drink?
A soft drink is usually a mixture of carbonated water, natural or artificial flavoring and a sweetener like sugar, fruit juice or high-fructose corn syrup.

As these beverages are jam packed with added sugars, their increased consumption might open up gates for tooth decay, weight gain, obesity, bone diseases and countless other undesirable health related disorders. Below discussed are some of the common diseases that are often enhanced by high soft drink feasting.
1. Soft Drinks Lead to Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2-diabetes or insulin independent diabetes is the most common disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide.
Insulin is the hormone required for the proper breakdown of glucose and its transportation to body cells. High sugary soda or soft drink consumption develops insulin resistance, making the cells less sensitive to the hormone function. As a result, glucose breakdown metabolism is disturbed, leading to diabetes.
According to a recent study, which looked at sugar consumption and diabetes in 175 countries, showed that “for every 150 calories of sugar per day — about 1 can of soda — the risk of type 2 diabetes increased by 1.1%.”
Diabetes is a serious health disorder, which if strengthened can cause numerous eyes, kidney and heart related diseases.
2. Weight Gain
Weight gain occurs when your body houses more calories than it burns. Soft drinks and other sugary beverages provide your body with extra added calories in the form of sucrose and fructose sugars, hence leading to over-weight and obesity. A 12-ounce serving of cola contains 140 calories, often called “empty calories” because they provide no nutritional value.

According to a study conducted at Harvard University, “A 20-ounce soda contains 240 calories while a 64-ounce soft drink contains a whopping 700 calories. If you drink a can of cola every day, you will gain 14 1/2 pounds in a year. Excessive weight gain puts you at risk for diabetes, certain cancers, arthritis, heart disease and stroke.” – stated Dr. Christopher assistant professor of pediatric and adolescent medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine.
Moreover, you also tend to consume more total calories if you drink soda, as liquid sugar (Fructose) in soft drinks doesn’t make you feel full, leading to increased food consumption causing weight gain.
3. Belly Fat Accumulation
Belly fat or extra body fat is something least desired by every human being. Nevertheless, if you are ingesting greater amounts of sugars or soft drinks to be precise, you are likely to have gained certain amount of belly fat already. And here is why.
Soft drinks contain large quantities of sugar fructose, which drastically increases fat around your belly or other organs.
Furthermore, the beverage’s carbonation (bubble) can also accumulate gas inside your stomach, leading to belching and bloating (a condition in which your stomach appears and feels full and distended.)
4. Soft Drinks and Tooth Decay
Apart from sugars and empty calories, soft drinks also contain some strong acids like phosphoric and carbonic acid. These acids, when combined with sugars, create a highly acidic environment inside your dental cavity, making the tooth enamel soft and vulnerable, therefore leading to tooth decay.

“The bacteria in your mouth thrive on sugar. They feed on it and produce an acid that wears away your teeth enamel causing cavities.” – says New Jersey Dentist Dr. Howard Glazer.
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5. Gout and Other Bone Disorders
Gout is a medical condition in which your body has too much uric acid, causing joints to become swollen and inflamed.
Fructose, which is highly packed in soft drinks and sugary beverages, is known to be the chief carbohydrate that increases uric acid levels. Hence, increased intake of these mouth savoring sodas might lead to gout and other bone disorders.
6. Fatty Liver Diseases
Table sugar or sucrose, the main element of soft drinks is composed of two molecules, glucose and fructose. Glucose is taken up by every cell of the body; however fructose can be metabolized by liver only. Therefore increased intake of fructose from soft drinks can lead to fructose accumulation in liver, causing fatty liver diseases.
7. Soft Drinks Contain No Essential Nutrients
Essential nutrients and building blocks of the body like fibers, proteins, minerals and vitamins are totally absent in sugary sodas. It adds nothing to your diet except excessive amounts of added sugar and unnecessary calories.
8. Dry Skin & Acne
Soft drink can cause the body to dehydrate. Dehydration can cause dry skin, followed with acne, pores and breakouts. You must avoid the intake of diet sodas if you are trying to keep your skin smooth and clear.
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