If you’re looking to care for your hairs and skin naturally and simply, try these kitchen-based tips. All of these should be applied for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Avoid using very hot or cold water on your face.

The quest to look youthful and beautiful has always been a woman’s concern, and I personally prefer tips and tricks that come right from the kitchen. They’re cost-effective, don’t have side effects, and it’s fascinating to see how these simple ingredients can work wonders for your skin.
Also Read: Basic Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine
For The Skin
- Smooth the Skin: Apply crushed apple in milk.
- Tone the Skin: Use the flesh of a ripe pear.
- For Oily Skin: Apply fresh orange juice.
- Lighten Spots and Brighten Skin: Dilute lemon juice with water and apply.
- For Dehydrated Skin: Use blended cantaloupe.
- Soften Normal or Oily Skin: Mix crushed strawberries with milk or yogurt and apply.
- Soothe, Smooth, and Remove Blotches: Use mashed banana as a moisturizer, and for wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, apply freshly crushed grape juice.
- Refine the Skin: Apply fresh apricot or peach juice.
- For Dull Complexion: Use pineapple juice.
- For Wrinkles: Soak a slice of lemon in a glass of milk for a few hours, then apply the milk to wrinkles, let it dry, and rinse with olive oil.
- Youthful Skin Face Mask: Mix oats with hot milk and a bit of honey into a rough paste. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
- For Open Pores: Steam your face for 10 minutes, then rub a slice of lemon over open pores and let the juice dry before rinsing with cold water.
For The Hands
- Keep Hands Soft: Apply Vaseline.
- Clean Dirty Hands: Scrub with dry baking soda, then wash with soap and water.
- For Rough Hands: Rub vegetable oil and granulated sugar together for five minutes, then wash and apply hand cream.
- For Sweaty Hands: Soak hands in warm water mixed with eau-de-cologne.
- Before Manicuring: Remove stains with a teaspoon of lemon juice in warm water.
For The Hair
Here are some great natural conditioners to make your hair shiny, beautiful, and manageable.
- For Normal Hair: Beat an egg with water and vinegar, massage into freshly washed hair, and leave for 5-10 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
- For Greasy Hair: Add a dash of vinegar to your final rinse.
- For Dry, Lifeless Hair: Massage coconut oil into your scalp and hair, wrap with a hot towel for at least 30 minutes, then wash as usual.
- For Added Body: Mix honey, corn oil, and lemon juice, apply for 10 minutes, and shampoo as usual.
Remember: Beauty starts from within. The health of your skin and hair is greatly influenced by what you eat, so maintain a balanced diet for the best results.
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