The Islamabad Administration has not extended winter vacations in the Federal Capital till 16 January 2023 and the notification going viral on social media is fake and has not been issued by Federal Directorate of Education.

It is pertinent to mention that a fake notification has been going viral on social media stating that the Federal Directorate of Education has extended winter vacations in Islamabad due to extreme weather conditions.
However, the Islamabad Authorities have not extended winter vacations in the Federal Capital and the notification being circulated on social media is completely fake and all education institutions, including schools and colleges, will reopen on 9 January 2023 (Monday) and resume a full / normal week of classes.
This is a copy of the fake notification:

It bears mentioning that a similar fake news was being circulated about winter vacations in Punjab and the provincial government has also clarified that any notification circulating on social media regarding extension of winter vacations in fake news.
Read more: Punjab Makes Decision on Extension of Winter Vacations.
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