Islamabad Traffic Police has issued detailed traffic plan for 28 March 2022 to inform commuters about the congestions and alternative routes due to Parliament Session and political activities in the capital city, especially the JUI-F gathering in Islamabad.

Diversions placed for Red Zone Entry & Exit at NADRA Chowk, Ayub Chowk, Serena Chowk and Express Chowk, Alternatively, Margallah Road can be used
Islamabad Traffic Plan For 28 March 2022
According to the Islamabad traffic plan, the Srinagar Highway will remain closed due to the JUI-F gathering for all types of traffic on both sides from G-10 U-Turn to Zero Point. However, there are several alternative routes in place for commuters to avoid traffic congestions and long delays during their travels.
Diversion – 1
- For both sides of traffic at Project Mor (G-10) of Srinagar Highway
- Alternatively, Faqeer Epi Road can be used to reach H & I sectors of Islamabad and IJP Road of Rawalpindi.
- G-11 Service Road can be used to reach G, F & E sectors of Islamabad.
Diversion – 2
- Entry and Exit to G-9 Markaz Road is closed from Srinagar Highway.
- Alternatively 9th Avenue can be used.
Diversion – 3
- The diversion for both sides of traffic at Zero Point of Srinagar Highway.
- Alternatively, 9th Avenue and Faisal Avenue can be used.
Note: Airport and Motorway can be accessed from Srinagar Highway via Margallah Road and Jinnah Avenue.
Traffic Plan Rawalpindi – 27 & 28 March 2022

Read More: Islamabad Police Introduces Online Complaint Portal.
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