Continuing its legacy, the highly renowned charitable association, the JDC Foundation is all arranged to serve the needy and indigent population this Ramadan also, as it aims to provide free of cost food and other necessities twice a day that is during Sehar and Iftaar daily. However, keeping the covid19 protocols a priority, the NGO has advanced to distribution of food packages via well-equipped food containers and langars this year. And, owing to that, the JDC foundation has recently introduced the world’s first free mobile restaurant.

Jafaria Disaster Management Cell, commonly known as JDC foundation is a charitable, non-profit organization, founded by a group of humanitarians in 2009. The association had started off with a small facilitating camp for flood disaster victims and places, established at a densely populated area of Karachi. However, with their strong mindedness and the mutual objective to serve and support the suffering humanity, JDC foundation scattered throughout the province. And, at present, it names among the major operational NGO’s of Pakistan.
Although JDC foundation had initiated with management in disastrous conditions, its services were quickly expanded to other walks of life. Today, the organization is there for all sorts of natural and unnatural fatalities, disasters and dilemmas that mankind could ever encounter. Working as an independent and non-government group, the JDC’s facilities are broad and includes free hospitals, free coronavirus testing amid pandemic, ambulance services all over Pakistan, qurbani services during Eid-ul-Adha, free education, free food arrangement twice a day by JDC dastarkhwan, free dialysis center, ration distribution, wall of kindness, heat-wave programs, and much more.
JDC Foundation Free Mobile Restaurant
Despite tons of running services, JDC foundation has once again stepped ahead to escalate the comfort of the impoverished population during Ramadan, as it recently launched the world’s first free mobile restaurant. The four wheeled food loaded vehicle operates under JDC’s free food distribution program and plans to move from streets to streets, to deliver fresh food and drinks to both needy and non-needy individuals.

Read More: COVID-19 vaccination centres in Karachi
JDC Donations
JDC foundation serves the humanity without discrimination and irrespective of cast, color, creed and religion. And, with its network and free of cost services growing and getting higher each passing day, the organization is worthy of all type of donations and looks forward to the contributions and support. Hence, to donate,
- JDC Head Office: B-24 Block 20, F.B.Area, Karachi, Sind, Pakistan.
- Phone:(021) 36341059
- Whatsapp: +923330404043
Account Details
- Account Title: Jafaria Disaster Cell Welfare Organization
- Account Number: 1031-0081-011633-01-2
- Bank Al Habib Limited Gulberg Sub Branch, Karachi, Pakistan
- Swift Code: BAHL PKKA