University of Karachi aka Karachi University (KU) has postponed all their examinations that were scheduled to take place from November 26 November, 2020 according to a statement issued by the institutes administration.

The development comes after the federal government announced closure of educational institutes due to rising coronavirus cases in the country.
“The University of Karachi has postponed the examinations scheduled from November 26, 2020, till further orders, the KU Controller of Examinations Dr Syed Zafar Hussain [said],” the statement said.
The Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood clarified that all educational institutes will remain closed in the country from November 26th till January 10th, 2021 with no exception.
“When we say all educational institutions will close on Nov 26 and students will home learn, we mean ALL institutions without exception” the federal minister tweeted.
Read more: Schools in Pakistan closed till 10 January 2021: Education Ministers.
Meanwhile, MDCAT 2020 students are demanding postponement of 2020 examinations because of the coronavirus pandemic but PMC has issued a statement clarifying that examination will be held as per scheduled.
However, their announcement has received a lot of criticism on social media. “We strongly reject the new decision of PMC regarding Special Delayed MDCAT for Covid positive students,thats completely illogical. Moreover it would add transparency concerns & NMDCAT will be more controversial. If PMC is delaying,then delay would be for all.” the Doctors Wake-Up Movement tweeted.
Read more: MDCAT 2020 – Students Demand Delay in Exams.