The National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) has notified a fresh set of restrictions amid the rising number of COVID-19 cases. The NCOC has announced several curbs for the education, restaurant, entertainment, and other sectors in its battle against the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic to contain the spread of the deadly disease.

In cities with COVID-19 positivity ratio higher than 10%, the classes will be held in a staggered approach for children under the age of 12 years, while the classes for fully vaccinated students above 12 years of age will continue on previous schedule.
Furthermore, the classes will continue normally for cities and districts which have a positivity ratio of up to 10%, but with strict implementation of the COVID-19 SOPs, as per NCOC guidelines. Moreover, the NCOC has announced that at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be mandatory for students over the age of 12 years from February 1 and no exemption other than medical reason will be entertained.
Read more: NCOC Announces Decision on Schools Closure. .
Gatherings / Weddings
In cities with COVID-19 positivity ratio higher than 10%, there will be a complete ban on all indoor gatherings and weddings starting January 24, while outdoor gatherings, including weddings, will be allowed with a cap of fully vaccinated 300 people. However, the cities with a positivity rate less than 10% are allowed to hold indoor gatherings with a maximum of 300 guests, while outdoor events can be held with a cap of 500 people.
The NCOC has announced a complete ban on indoor dining in cities with positivity rate higher than 10%, however, outdoor dining will be allowed for fully vaccinated citizens. Meanwhile, indoor dining will be permitted for fully vaccinated individuals in cities with less than 10% positivity rate.
Gyms, Shrines, Parks & Cinemas
In cities with positivity rate of higher than 10%, indoor gyms, shrines, parks and cinemas will be allowed to open with a capacity of 50% with fully vaccinated individuals, while there is no restrictions for fully vaccinated individuals in cities with less than 10% positivity rate.
The NCOC has announced a complete ban on contact sports like karate, boxing martial arts, water polo, kabaddi, and wresting in cities with higher than 10% positivity rate, while there is no restrictions in districts with less than 10% positivity rate but people taking part in these activities must be fully vaccinated.
Business Timings / Office Routine
There is no restriction on business timings and offices will be allowed to operate at 100% capacity, However, the work from home policy is encouraged.
Public Transport
According to the NCOC, the public buses will be allowed to operate with 70% of their seating capacity and wearing of masks will be mandatory throughout the journey. Furthermore, there will be a complete ban on serving meals/snacks. These restrictions will come into force from 20 January 2022.
The Pakistan Railways will operate trains with 80% occupancy level from January 24.
The National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) will continue to assess the risk and targeted lockdowns may be announced based on the COVID-19 situation.
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