ISLAMABAD: Pakistan may go back into a complete lockdown if coronavirus cases continue to rise across the country according to Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Taking to Twitter, the prime minister said that the current COVID-19 spike data is of concern as there is a significant surge in the number of coronavirus patients on ventilators during the last 15 days.
According to the prime minister, the coronavirus patients on ventilators in Peshawar and Multan have rose by 200 percent, Karachi by 148 percent, Lahore by 114 percent and Islamabad by 65 percent while Multan and Islamabad have both reached 70% capacity in terms of ventilator utilization.
Read more: Pakistan records highest deaths in four months.
Furthermore, the premier blamed the PDM for increase in coronavirus cases in Pakistan through their jalsas and deliberately putting lives of innocent people at risk.
“If cases continue to rise at the rate we are seeing, we will be compelled to go into complete lockdown & PDM will be responsible for consequences,” said Prime Minister Imran Khan in his Tweet.
He continued with his tweet saying, “Opposition is callously destroying people”s lives & livelihoods in their desperation to get an NRO. Let me make it clear: they can hold a million jalsas but will not get any NRO.”
Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he does not want to take measures like a “complete lockdown” in Pakistan at a time when the economy is making a “robust recovery”.
“Unfortunately, the Opposition’s only goal is NRO at whatever cost to the lives of people & the country’s economy.” said the premier towards the end of his tweet.
Some restrictions have already been implemented such as ban on indoor weddings and large public gatherings to control the spread of coronavirus as cases continue to rise across Pakistan.
However, there is still permission to hold weddings at outdoor venues with an upper limit of 300 people (apparently coronavirus is not dangerous with the 300 limitation).
Read more: Punjab bans indoor weddings, large public gatherings.
Furthermore, a decision will be made regarding closure of schools in a meeting of all education ministers and the National Command and Operations Centre (NCOC) tomorrow (23rd November).
However, there are some provincial education minister who are against the decision of closing schools to avoid further loss of education and make up for the time already wasted during the previous lockdown.
Read more: Sindh education dept wants no winter vacations, schools closure.