Prime Minister Imran made a tweet saying that the world is now starting to acknowledge the “fascist ideology” that is being imposed by Narendra Modi and his government in India held Kashmir and now parts of India as well.

The tweet said:
The world is now acknowledging the anti-democratic and fascist ideology being imposed in IOJK and in India,
He went on to add that this is a threat to the region and its stability saying:
This is the biggest threat to regional peace and stability. Already 8 million Kashmiris & Muslims in India are suffering because of Modi’s fascist policies.
This has especially happened after the new citizenship law in India where 200 million Muslims in the country can become stateless and it has caused large protests across the country.
Read more: Pakistan offers assistance to Turkey after 6.8 magnitude earthquake.
The Economist has highlighted a same issues in the latest publication of its weekly news magazine.
The Economist article reads:
Last month, India changed law to make it easier for adherents of all subcontinent’s religions, except Islam, to acquire citizenship. At the same time BJP [Bharatiya Janata Party] wants to compile a register of all India’s 1.3bn citizens, as a means to hunt down illegal immigrants,
The government has already ordered building camps in India to detain people who cannot prove they are Indian and based based on the report by The Economist, most of the 200 million Muslims in the country do not have the paperwork to prove that hence they have a huge chance of being made stateless.
Also, according to the publication, the policies risk shedding innocent blood and go against the Indian constitution.
The publication reads:
Mr Modi’s latest initiatives threaten to do damage to democracy,
Read more: Three ministers removed from the KP cabinet.
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