(Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf) PTI govt approves merger where different ministries or divisions will transfer or merge with other ministries. The approval is for 19 organizational entities that belong to 7 separate ministries or divisions and out of those 19 entities, 9 of them are to be transferred and merged with others creating a total of 5 organizational entities and five ministries and divisions only.

The major merger includes that of the Textile Division that is merging with the Commerce Division and Postal Division being merged into the Ministry of Communication.
Although this would not happen without the approval and consent of the concerned ministries and divisions.
A committee was formed by the cabinet with members selected by the government according to the Establishment Division with the main task of reorganizing the federal government.
The committee’s job was to work with a task force and devise a plan for this implementation and provide a report to the PTI government about the progress. The committee was given six months for the task and the first progress report by the committee for the months of July to August 2019 was submitted to the cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The report gave recommendations on executive departments and autonomous bodies of the government and it was decided that it will be implemented since the recommendations were given after a complete consensus of the concerned ministeries and divisions. It was also discussed that the matter will be further looked into based on any objections that were made by the ministries or divisions.
More meetings were held for the next report that was submitted in October and as per the proposal of the committee, a list of departments, autonomous bodies, organizations recommended to be transferred to provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and ICT, also the proposed organizations to be liquidated were circulated among all the concerned administrative ministries and divisions.
A meeting was held and the concerned secretaries and representatives were invited to give their feedback on the proposal and reorganization of the entities in their ministries and divisions based on the report by the committee.
It was also discussed that proposed executive departments and autonomous bodies as well as satutory bodies should work under the Prime Minister office.
After long discussions, it was agreed to that 19 organizational entities that belong to 7 ministries will be transferred or merged with others to create 5 entities belonging to 5 ministries and divisions with their consent.
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