Results from the initial phase of the Longevity 1.0 trials, conducted by healthcare group PureHealth, have revealed a notable increase in the average life expectancy of over 100 UAE residents by 2.2 years. Launched in October of the preceding year, the trial aimed to augment the residents’ average life expectancy by up to 25 additional years over the next five decades.

Participants in the Longevity 1.0 trials experienced extended lifespans attributed to enhanced biomarkers, achieved through a regimen of exercise and a healthier diet under clinical supervision. At the trial’s commencement, laboratory results indicated that nine participants were at risk of diabetes. After a 90-day period, this number reduced to three at-risk participants. Moreover, participants exhibited a 25% increase in physical activity, with the most active group averaging a weight loss of 3.5kg.
PureHealth, the UAE’s largest integrated healthcare platform, spearheaded this campaign to elevate residents’ life expectancy to 101 years, incorporating innovative concepts like personalized smart coaching and cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Asma Al Mannai, Executive Director of the Research and Innovation Centre at the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, emphasized that such initiatives underscore Abu Dhabi’s global healthcare prominence as an incubator for life sciences innovation.
Farhan Malik, Managing Director of PureHealth, emphasized that ageing is the primary cause of death, urging a shift in perception towards ageing as an epidemic. “When we talk about longevity, we don’t just mean increasing life spans, but health spans – making people healthier for longer,” he asserted.
Looking ahead to Longevity 2.0, PureHealth aspires to extend the UAE’s life expectancy by 25 years to reach 101 years, surpassing the current average of 76 years. The global average life expectancy in the Emirates is reported as 80.46 years in 2023.
Globally, regions such as Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Switzerland, and Singapore boast the highest life expectancies, ranging between 85.83 and 84.27 years. The Longevity 2.0 trials, initiated in 2023 with over 3,000 participants, aim to combat age-related diseases and enhance the period of healthy living. Lifestyle choices, including improved diet, increased exercise, and avoidance of smoking, play a pivotal role in impacting essential biomarkers related to body composition, functional fitness, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being.
Dr. Erik Koornneef, Director of Research and Innovation at PureHealth, underscored the transformative strides towards positioning Abu Dhabi as a blue zone city, where residents outlive the global average. With an average improvement of 26 months in the biological age of participants, the company remains optimistic about the continued success of the Longevity 2.0 trials in the pursuit of healthier, happier, and longer lives.