Three coronavirus cases have been detected in Rawalpindi according to a report by The Nation. Based on the report, the suspected coronavirus patients have been moved the Banazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) for treatment.

The first case of coronavirus was reported in Karachi three days ago where Yayha Jafri, 22, was diagnosed with the virus and put under quarantine. Yahya had recently come back from Iran before the outbreak in the country.
Read more: First coronavirus case confirmed in Karachi, Pakistan.
The very next day, there were reports of a coronavirus case in Faisalabad with the patient moved to Allied Hospital for observation. According to sources, the patient studied in China and came back to Pakistan a while back.
Read more: Faisalabad: Reports of coronavirus patient in Allied Hospital.
Now reports are coming in of these three new suspected cases in Rawalpindi and according to The Nation, the suspects have been identified as Habib Mehdi (63) and his wife Kalsoom (58) along with a Chinese National whose identity has not been disclosed.
The bloodwork of the three patients has been sent to the National Institute of Health for examination and based on some newer reports, the BBH doctors said that NIH declared the reports of the tests as negative meaning the patients were clear of the virus.
Currently all flights between Iran and Pakistan have been suspended to try and get a hold on this situation and limit further spread.
In other related news, following the confirmation of the coronavirus case in Karachi, surgical masks have been in shortage with different medical stores selling them for 10 times more than their normal price and according to sources, susgical mask packs that cost Rs480 are now being sold for over Rs1700.
So far no action has been taken by the government regarding this issue.
Read more: Petrol price decrease of Rs5.89 recommended by OGRA (March 2020).