According to the search giant Google, the company is blocking almost 20 million scam emails related to coornavirus. The number of phishing emails have increased significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Google says that the company is blocking over 100 million phishing emails a day and about a fifth of them are related to coronavirus scam which accounts for almost 20 million. These emails try to trick users into submitting their personal data.
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The Gmail service by Google is used by 1.5 billion people and individuals are being sent emails that are pretending to be from official authorities like the World Health Organization and most of these emails either ask for some personal details, ask these people to donate money to fake causes or even asks them to download certain softwares.

Other cyber security firms have also reported the same increase in such phishing materials online. Barracuda Networks say that there has been an increase of over 667% in malicious phishing emails since the coronavirus pandemic started.
There have been many instances of softwares that claim to provide updates regarding coronavirus but end up infecting devices with ransomware and ask for payment to restore encrypted data on the device.
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