There are a ton of password managers available, however, most people rely their browser’s built-in password manager since its simpler and already available. Google Chrome being one of the most used browsers has a lot of people relying on its built-in password manager and the company has been improving the function during recent years.

Google is now reportedly working to allow users to add notes to the saved passwords in the browser and the feature is already under testing with a few users but it is not yet widely available. The new feature, which was spotted by Redditor u/Leopeva64-2, can be seen as a simple ‘Note’ field under the username and password fields.

The option is available to users when editing an existing password or adding a new one for the first time. The feature will certainly help users add useful information about their accounts, such as security questions, which may help users remember important details regarding the account.
The feature, however, is presently available to the latest Chrome Chrome Canary release but it is expected to come in a stable release in the coming months. According to some sources, the feature is part of Chrome’s 101 release and it is expected to arrive by April or May.
It bears mentioning that since the password feature is only available on Google Chrome’s latest Canary release, there is no exact schedule for the release of the feature. However, Google has been working on some other features, including allowing users to save their password manually to Chrome without going through the whole automatic process that pops up the first time someone logs on a website.
This is already available in stable Chrome by activating chrome://flags/#add-passwords-in-settings flag. Google is finally working on the built-in password manager in Chrome and many people may now stick to the default option rather than choosing third party ones due to lack of features.
Read more: Facebook Launches Reels Globally With More Features.
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