Telegram launched its group video call feature last month but the encrypted messaging service has now expanded the service even further with support for 1,000 users to join a group video call. However, the number of users that will be able to share their video remains capped at 30 but 970 people can still tune in and watch the group video call.

Telegram has announced that it further plans to expand this limit for the group video call feature. Furthermore, the company has updated its video messaging feature as well and users can now watch them at a higher resolution and you can tap them for larger view of the clip. Moreover, the video messages can now be recorded while having some audio being played in the background.
Some other features that have been introduced include the ability to share screen with audio during one-on-one video calls and the option to auto-delete messages after a month unlike the previous option that allowed message deletion after a day or a week.
Telegram has also updated its media editor that now makes the brush size smaller when zooming in, which allows users to draw finer details on photos and videos. Some other new features also include more password reset options and animated emoji while the Android app now has support for .5x, 1.5x and 2x playback speeds, as well as new sending animations.
Meanwhile, iOS users will have access to a new in-app camera that can use all their device’s zoom levels, as well as the ability to forward messages to multiple recipients.
Read more: Android vs iPhone – Which One is The Winner.
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