TikTok has become of the most popular apps world wide with millions of active users each month. According to Sensor Tower, the app had a total of 104.7 million downloads just in January 2020 alone.

There are a lot of teens or underage kids now using the app and parents are especially concerned over their safety on the app that allows them to connect with complete strangers from around the world.
TikTok is now introducing a feature called the Family Safety Mode that will allow parents to link their TikTok accounts with their kid’s accounts and monitor their usage and even control it.
Read more: TikTok Star Hareem Shah and Sundal Khattak deported from Dubai, UAE.
There are three main functions that are introduced in the Family Safety Mode introduced by TikTok that include Screen Time Management, Direct Messages and Restricted Mode.
The Screen Time Management is exactly what it founds like and will allow parents to set a limit of the time that their child can spend on the app.
The direct messages feature in the Family Safety Mode being introduced by TikTok will give parents control over who their child talks to on the app and will give them control over who can message the linked account and even give them the ability to turn off direct messages on the app entirely off.
The last function that TikTok has introduced to their Family Safety Mode is called Restricted Mode that will give parents permission to decide what type of content their kids can see on the app and filter content they think is inappropriate.
These functions certainly provide some much needed control to parents over the app’s usage to keep kids secure.
Read more: Twitter “continue thread” feature introduced.
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