Several high-profile Twitter accounts were hacked earlier by attackers in a crypto scam posting tweets from these accounts with millions of followers telling them to send bitcoin to a given address and get back double the amount.

Twitter Support confirmed the attack saying that their team was investigating the issue and will be updating everyone shortly. So far no updates have been received from their support.
Some of the high-profile Twitter accounts that were hacked include Apple, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Uber, Benjamin Nethanyahu, Joe Biden and several others.
This was the message being displayed on all the hacked Twitter accounts:

These types of crypto currency scams are common as hackers get access to high profile Twitter accounts and post messages encouraging users to transfer funds to a given address in order to double them. According to reports, the blockchain address used in this scam has collected around 3 BTC which is over 27,000 USD.
Based on several online sources, a Twitter employee’s admin panel was compromised giving hackers uncontrolled access which is why the company was having a hard time stopping it.
Read more: WhatsApp down: Worldwide outage being reported.