The encrypted messenger WhatsApp is reportedly introducing photo editing tools on its web and desktop app, a feature that was previously only available on its mobile apps. These tools will allow users to edit photos, with an option to add stickers, before sending them. This feature may not be available to all users right away as it is still being rolled out by the company.

WABetaInfo noted that new editing tools on WhatsApp web and desktop app were being rolled out to users. These editing options are referred to as ‘Drawing Tools’ and allow users to edit images before sending them from WhatsApp web and desktop app to their contacts.
These editing features have been available to mobile app users from the beginning but this is a new introduction for WhatsApp web and desktop app, something which has been neglected by the company until now. The WhatsApp web and desktop app are reportedly getting additional options to add stickers to images, which is not available on the mobile app yet.
The new drawing tool can be accessed from the top after you select the image you want to share with your contact. Meanwhile, the option to add text is still present at the bottom along with the newly introduced ‘view once’ feature for disappearing photos and videos.
Read more: WhatsApp Rolls Out ‘View Once’ Feature With Disappearing Photos & Videos.
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