Someone is selling motorcycles for Rs. 400 per kilogram in Islamabad after sourcing them from an auction held by Islamabad Police.

Islamabad Police had auctioned off and sold motorcycles that were confiscated during the past few years and these were bought by someone who paid over Rs. 8 crore.
These motorcycles are being sold near I-8/4 Markaz, where you can get entire motorcycles or parts for just Rs. 400 per kilogram.
In a video posted by UrduPoint, visitors at the auction seemed very satisfied with the rates.
The original auction was arranged by Islamabad Police and includes parts from over 5,000 motorcycles that were confiscated over the years.
One of the buyers at the auction spent as much as Rs. 8 crore and bought 5,735 for resale.
He said that all parts for the motorcycle being sold for Rs. 400 per kilogram, while engines are sold at Rs. 600 per kilogram.
At the time of the interview, the person had already sold 1,500-1,800 motorcycles, but hadn’t kept a count.
Here’s the complete video:
Read more: Expansion of Islamabad’s Red Zone Made Permanent.
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میں نے باہیک کی سیٹ لی وہ بھی بلکل خراب حالت میں جب تولنے لگے تو صاحب بولے1500کی لینی ہے تو لو نہیں تو رگھ دو میں نے رگھ دی اس سے بہتر تھا کہ 1000 اور ڈال کے نہی مل جاتی ہے سب چور ماحول بنایا ہے اور جو کام کے پرٹس ہیں وہ کہتے ہیں کہ یہ فروخت شدہ ہے
Sub chor han 400 kg bol k apny dam laga rhy han apna apna rate lagaya huva ha