Pakistan is home to the second largest online work force (aka Freelancers) globally, said Umar Saif, interim Federal Minister For Science and Technology, as well as Minister of IT during a press conference.

He added that Pakistan has over 1.5 million freelancers, which accounts for the second largest online work force on major platforms like Upwork and Fiver with these individuals providing several different services, including logo and website design, app development and more.
Government of Punjab has trained several freelancers through their e-Rozgar Program, while a staggering amount of freelancers have been trained through the Federal Government’s Digi Skills Program.
However, he highlighted that freelancers in Pakistan still face many obstacles like obtaining a good internet service or proper work space, which limits their overall potential. As a solution, the Government is planning to launch co-working spaces for freelancers through Pakistan e-Rozgar Program.
The Government is going to provide interest-free loans via private banks to private sector to convert unused real estate into e-Rozgar Centers to provide a proper work space to these freelancers across the country.
According to the IT Minister, these e-Rozgar centers will provide work space to at least 500,000 freelancers and enable them to expand their work. Furthermore, he added that the Government is working to make sure that freelancers are able to open a bank account with ease.
He added that Pakistan e-Rozgar Program will be launched within a month and the Government will try its best to provide all the facilities to these individuals to help expand the freelancing industry.