Shows or movies with their story surrounding religion are always usually a sensitive subject and controversial. Netflix has now released a 10 episode show called Messiah. Netflix’s Messiah carries a lot of controversy especially in the Muslim world with people wanting to go to the extent of boycotting Netflix.
Netflix’s Messiah is a show that centers around what most people consider to be a sacred religious territory. The story of the Netflix show Messiah follows the rise of the Christ-like figure named al-Masih or known in Arabic as the Messiah. The show centers around his plan to lead 2,000 Palestinian Syrians across the border of Isreal and there is a CIA agent assigned to investigate the him and his movement where she tries to figure out if he really is a divine entity of just some other con artist trying to cause chaos.

The character of al-Masih doesn’t mean Jesus Christ in Islam but rather known by the name “Dajjal” or as the Antichrist who is someone that will lead the people to destruction.
The main character of Messiah is played by Mehdi Dehbi who is known for his in The Most Wanted Man and The Other Son. The CIA agent is played by Michelle Monaghan who is known for for her role in Mission: Impossible – Fallout.

Netflix released a trailer for the show early last month with a tweet and many viewers were outrage over the show and it’s premise.
There is a petition calling for the boycott of Netflix’s Messiah. The petition reads:
You may say it is a non-issue, it’s just a series. But this slow exposure of evil and anti-Islamic propaganda will slowly turn hearts. Muslims are not just the only ones that believe in the Antichrist. This topic is rather sensitive and making a production like this will only have viewers forgetting the fact that this matter is not a joke.
Netflix was apparently nervous about taking up this project according to the series creator Michael Petroni and he said:
Yes, it’s provocative. The show is provocative,
But provocative isn’t offensive. It’s not like I’m welcoming backlash. We expect that there’s going to be a lot of noise around the show, and a lot of debate. I’m hoping for debate.”
Here are some of the Twitter responses regarding Netflix’s Messiah who people say is about Dajjal or the Antichrist.
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