Actor Hamza Ali Abbasi is under fire on social media after posting a controversial statement on his religious beliefs as a Muslim. The actor took to his social media handles to share a long note, which drew severe criticism on social media by his followers over some of things he mentioned in the post.

He started off by saying that he is a Muslim and believes that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger and prophet of God (Allah). He added, “The Islam I believe in has no divinely ordained worldly punishment for mocking or insulting God, Islam, and any Messenger of and Prophet of God.”
“There is no divinely ordained worldly punishment for leaving Islam (Apostasy).” he continued, adding that age of Hazrat Aisha (R.Z) was not seven or nine at the time of marriage to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but 17 to 19 years of age. He added that all forms of Art and Music are permissible in Islam with conditions.
His long note also included his views on Hazrat Isa (Jesus) (AS). “I believe Jesus PBUH has died and there is no second coming of Jesus PBUH or any Imam Mahdi.” The whole statement has garnered a lot of criticism of social media with people trending hashtag #ShameOnYouHamzaAliAbbasi on Twitter.

Read more: Muslim Countries Condemn India Over Insult of Holy Prophet & Anti-Islam Comments.
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