This is a Travel Advisory for Islamabad in view of the announced sit-in protests by All Pakistan Labor Unions (GOVT) in front of Parliament House, Constitution Avenue Islamabad on 14th October 2020. Large number of participants expected to join the protest.

ICT administration started placing containers around Red-Zone surroundings (alongside Serena main entrance, NADRA Chowk and Express Chowk – Near D Chowk) while a group will also be gathering up at Press Club
Young Doctors Association (YDA) announced that they will be marching toward Islamabad tomorrow (from all major cities). Disruptions expected around major hospitals and routes.
Supreme Council Punjab Teachers Union will be holding a protest / rally from Poly Clinic to D-Chowk, Parliament House.
Goods and Transporters group will be holding a nationwide protest where they will be blocking main routes
APCA will be holding protest and rallies / marching toward Islamabad to protest in-front of Parliament House
Containers have placed at D chowk and Convention Center.
Read more: SBP announces Govt’s affordable housing finance scheme.