LAHORE: All public and private schools in Punjab will remain closed till 23 May 2021 because of the worsening coronavirus situation in the country, said Provincial Education Minister Dr Murad Raas on Friday.

Taking to Twitter, the education minister said that a meeting will be held on 18 May 2021 to discuss the coronavirus situation in the country at the time and decide regarding reopening of educational institutions.
Murad Raas also requested the public to follow COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) issued by the government.
— Murad Raas (@DrMuradPTI) May 14, 2021
All Public and Private Schools of Punjab will remain closed till May 23, 2021 due to COVID 19 situation. A review meeting will be held on May 18th, 2021. Please make sure to follow SOPs issued by the Government.
Schools in Punjab were closed because of rising coronavirus cases across the province and examinations were postponed as well.
Read more: COVID-19 vaccine registration for people aged 30+ starts 16 May 2021.