The gaming community is abuzz with excitement over Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) as leaks steadily surface, enveloping the highly anticipated release in an enticing veil of mystery. The most recent revelation originates from an undisclosed source, purporting to be a former Rockstar office cleaner. This individual has chosen to share their insights on a gaming subreddit, hinting at the possibility that GTA 6 may feature an expansive map and could potentially make its way to store shelves in September 2025.

The anonymous whistleblower recounts their experiences during a six-month tenure at Rockstar, where they managed to catch glimpses of the game despite the stringent security measures in place. Of particular interest is the claim that they saw a final frame—presumably from a trailer or promotional material—displaying the GTA logo with the caption “September 2025” beneath it, hinting at a possible release month. Moreover, the cleaner reports witnessing a “huge” map with distinct clusters of roads that they speculate could represent cities or towns.
Adding an intriguing twist to the narrative, the informant mentions overhearing a developer expressing relief over the absence of actor Bryan Zampella, who was previously rumored to have a lead role in the game.
Still, there are skeptics who are raising doubts about the legitimacy of the cleaner’s narrative. The preference for the term “liquor” over the more commonly used American term “alcohol” within a UK context is prompting some raised eyebrows and injecting an element of uncertainty. Moreover, considering the heightened secrecy surrounding the game and Rockstar’s reputation for zealously protecting their projects, it seems unlikely that the cleaner wouldn’t have been compelled to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
Moderators of the subreddit claim to have received proof of the cleaner’s employment, but doubts persist regarding the information’s authenticity. It’s conceivable that the cleaner may be genuine but unknowingly breached an NDA, potentially facing legal repercussions. On the flip side, there’s also the possibility that the entire account is fabricated for online attention. In light of these uncertainties, a healthy dose of skepticism is advised.
On a lighter note, for those with a Netflix subscription, the wait for GTA 6 news can be alleviated by enjoying Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas for free. A small diversion to keep the excitement alive while the gaming community eagerly awaits concrete updates on the highly anticipated GTA 6.