With 2019 coming to an end, Pakistani Tekken player Arslan Ash has earned the title for ESPN e-sports player of the year 2019 after his amazing performance through the year. Ash not only won the EVO Japan but also EVO USA this same year. The Tekken prodigy had outstanding wins throughout the year.

The 24 year old Arslan Ash belongs to Lahore, Pakistan and has seen a tremendous rise in global stardom after his massive wins this year. The official ESPN website says:
Arslan Ash’s dominance in Tekken didn’t just make him a superstar though. It put Pakistan on the map for e-sports,” and that “Ash’s story of overcoming the odds and becoming Tekken’s top dog for most of 2019 resonates beyond e-sports.
Arslan Ash not only won over the ESPN jury but also won on the Twitter poll with 60% votes making him the ‘Best Player of 2019’ through the unanimous votes.
Asrlan Ash was really excited about the win saying:
Since I started my international career last year, I was a fan of the 2018 ESPN Player of the year ‘SonicFox’. So it’s unbelievable that I followed up and became the 2019 ESPN e-sports Player of the Year.
After his Twitter win Arslan Ash was thankful to his fans supporting him saying:
Other more popular e-athletes like Bugha have Twitter followers in six digits and I am only at 25 thousand,
Yet my fans fully supported me and I am so thankful to all of them.
Arslan Ash in an earlier interview with Red Bull said:
I always move forward with a dream to achieve. 10 years ago, my dream was to collect one hundred thousand (Pakistani) rupees. My next dream was to become the number one player in Pakistan. Then it was to become number one player in the whole world and to win two consecutive EVOs for Pakistan. I have fulfilled that.
He worked hard and ended up taking the title for the ESPN e-sports player of the year 2019.
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