PTCL ICFLIX offers quality Video On Demand streaming service to its broadband clients. The users can delight in an extensive variety of entertainment content on PTCL ICFLIX. This service could be accessed on multi-screens using web browsers and applications. PTCL ICFLIX service is focused around astute streaming feature which will guarantee that the service remains un-intruded on regardless of the fact that web velocity is fluctuating at users end.
Content Library includes in Service :
- Hollywood Movies & Seasons
- Bollywood Movies
- Kids Movies.
Package Tariff:
- All you can watch for monthly charges of PKR. 500.
All the current and new Broadband users can avail the PTCL ICFLIX Service.
First users need to register, email ID and the password will be sent to you through email. Then you can log-in to and enter you email and password to enjoy watching PTCL ICFLIX.
PTCL is offering 7-day free trial gives you access to 10 movies from the PTCL icflix library and also the first episode of each available TV series for free for 7 days.
After the trial is over you have call 080080800 and opt in for PTCL Icflix service. After service activation you will be charged for PTCL Icflix on a monthly basis, unless you choose to cancel your subscription.