In today’s world, the internet is like a superhighway, and our every act, even due to ignorance or lack of knowledge of cyber laws can lead to legal troubles, financial losses, privacy violations, and damage to reputation of the individuals as well as on a national level. Internet also comes with certain rules which varies from country to country and defines the do’s and don’ts of internet regarding uploading, sharing and creation of content. With increased use of internet, it is essential to educate ourselves about existing cyber laws to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. In Pakistan the main statute which deals the online content or crimes committed through internet is Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 (PECA) which covers Blasphemy, Immoral/Indecent, Electronic Fraud, Anti-State, Sectarian, Hate Speech, Anti-Judiciary etc.
Fighting Against Hate Speech: Why It Matters
PECA section 11 deals with hate speech related content and criminalizes any online content which advances or is likely to advance interfaith, sectarian or racial hatred. The purpose of criminalizing online hate speech is about making the internet a respectful place for everyone. Understanding and following PECA section 11 is crucial because it will not only help protect people from harm but will make the cyber space of Pakistan a welcoming and tolerant space. Any content uploaded or forwarded in violation to this section can have serious consequences for the uploader/creator, including imprisonment for up to (03) three years or a fine of up to (01) one million rupees, or both.
Honoring Our Diverse Faiths and Upholding the Sanctity of Islam
In a culturally rich and diverse nation like Pakistan, where individuals embrace a myriad of religious beliefs and sects, it is of paramount importance to extend our respect towards them.
PECA Section 37 also deals with offenses related to the glory of Islam, especially in cases of blasphemy. Being responsible online means respecting what others hold dear, especially when it comes to religion. By promoting harmony among different faiths and not hurting anyone’s religious feelings online, we can make the internet a more inclusive, safer and tolerant place.
Protecting Pakistan’s Integrity: Your Role as a Responsible Digital Citizen
Using internet responsibly is important for avoiding legal consequences as every act online becomes your digital foot print and can be traced by law enforcing agencies. Under Section 37 of PECA, actions that could harm the state’s online presence include the sovereignty, integrity, or defense of Pakistan. Understanding and adhering to this rule is not just a legal obligation, it is a way of showing your commitment to being a responsible digital citizen. By following this provision, you play a vital role in safeguarding the interests and online security of our nation. However, it is essential to be aware that breaking this rule by engaging in online activities that pose a threat to Pakistan’s integrity and security can lead to significant legal consequences.
In conclusion, public awareness regarding compliance of local laws about online content is a collective responsibility. Online spaces should be safe, respectful, and inclusive for everyone. By understanding and adhering to these provisions, we can create a safer, secured and respectful online environment for individuals and a society as a whole where everyone can use technology freely and for useful purposes.
By Muhammad Farooq
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